For your information, I am using
Ubuntu 8.04 and I intend to develop something for the
iPhone in my spare time. Certainly I am at the very begining of a long learning curve!
First, I installed the
GNU Objective C compiler. Next, I decided to set up a development environment. After a quick search I have found that
GNUstep is what I need: "GNUstep is a cross-platform, object-oriented framework for desktop application development....GNUstep is generally compatible with the OpenStep specification and with recent developments of the MacOS (Cocoa) API...". Please see: I installed
GNUstep via the
Synaptic tool: I simply searched for "GNUstep" and then installed the relevant packages.
Then, I compiled an example form the following link: created a directory named "objc" and created two text files shown below there:
* The next #include line is generally present in all Objective-C
* source files that use GNUstep. The Foundation.h header file
* includes all the other standard header files you need.
* Declare the Test class that implements the class method (classStringValue).
@interface Test
+ (const char *) classStringValue;
* Define the Test class and the class method (classStringValue).
@implementation Test
+ (const char *) classStringValue;
return "This is the string value of the Test class";
* The main() function: pass a message to the Test class
* and print the returned string.
int main(void)
printf("%s\n", [Test classStringValue]);
return 0;
include $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/common.make
LogTest_OBJC_FILES = source.m
include $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/tool.makeIn order to setup the GNUstep "environment", one of the following scripts should be run:
/usr/share/GNUstep/Makefiles/GNUstep.cshNote that the paths are installation specific. As I used
bash and don't bother to maintain user settings being the only user, I added the following lines to my bash global settings file:
# Oguz Kupusoglu @ 20 Nov 2008
. /usr/share/GNUstep/Makefiles/GNUstep.shThen I launched a bash shell and make the build which was a piece of cake:
..objc$ make
This is gnustep-make 2.0.2. Type 'make print-gnustep-make-help' for help.
Making all for tool LogTest...
Compiling file source.m ...
Linking tool LogTest ...In order to run the application I swicthed to the "obj" subdir:
..objc$ ls
GNUmakefile obj source.m
..objc$ cd obj
..objc/obj$ ls
LogTest source.d source.o
..objc/obj$ ./LogTest
This is the string value of the Test classThat is all! Now you have a
working Objective C development environment.