"Türk" lakablı Raymond Pierre Paul Westerling II. Dünya Savaşı sonrası Endonezya'da yaptığı "kanlı" bastırma harekatlarıyla tanınan Hollandalı bir "komando" imiş. Ben "Türk"ü, biyografisini yazmak için bilgi toplayan bir tarihçi olan Frederik Willems'in Mete Tunçay'a gönderdiği bir e-postadan öğrendim*:
"Westerling [31 Ağustos] 1919'da babasının beş kuşaktır yaşadığı İstanbul'da doğmuş. Kendisi de 1941'de Nazi Almanya'sına karşı dövüşmek üzere Hollanda ordusuna katılmak için İngiltere'ye gidinceye kadar İstanbul'da yaşamış...Westerling'i solcular bir savaş suçlusu olarak görür ve menfur sayarlar, sağcılar ise sertliğinden ötürü ona bir kahraman gözüyle bakarlardı. Zamanın Hollanda gazetelerinde onun Türkiye kökenine çok dikkat çekilmiştir. Cesaretinin bundan geldiği ileri sürülmüş ve kendisine 'Türk' takma adı verilmiştir. Westerling 1987'de Hollanda'da öldüğünde İstanbul'daki ailesini bir daha hiç görmemişti. Ne yazık ki Türkiye'deki gençliği hakkında hemen hiçbir şey bilinmemektedir...Ben sadece onun 1925-1936 yıllarında St. Michel ve St.Jozef okullarına gittiğini biliyorum... Beyoğlu'nda, Cadde-i Kebir'de oturmuş. Babası antikacıymış. Pendik'de de bir yazlık evleri varmış."
Mete Tunçay bu konuda bilgisi olanların tuncay@bilgi.edu.tr adresine yazmalarını istiyor.
* Toplumsal Tarih, Aralık 2008, s 11
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Business Plot (1933)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Business Plot ... was a political conspiracy in 1933 wherein wealthy businessmen and corporations plotted a coup d’état to overthrow United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt. In 1934, the Business Plot was publicly revealed by retired Marine Corps Major General Smedley Butler testifying to the McCormack-Dickstein Congressional Committee. In his testimony, Butler claimed that a group of men had approached him as part of a plot to overthrow Roosevelt in a military coup... In their final report, the Congressional committee supported Butler's allegations of the existence of the plot, but no prosecutions or further investigations followed, and the matter was mostly forgotten.
The Business Plot ... was a political conspiracy in 1933 wherein wealthy businessmen and corporations plotted a coup d’état to overthrow United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt. In 1934, the Business Plot was publicly revealed by retired Marine Corps Major General Smedley Butler testifying to the McCormack-Dickstein Congressional Committee. In his testimony, Butler claimed that a group of men had approached him as part of a plot to overthrow Roosevelt in a military coup... In their final report, the Congressional committee supported Butler's allegations of the existence of the plot, but no prosecutions or further investigations followed, and the matter was mostly forgotten.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Recession: When the money goes, so does the toxic wife
An article appeared in the telegraph.co.uk on 09 December 2008 first defines "Toxic Wife" and then claims that the number of divorces has increased since the recent financial crisis.
Recession: When the money goes, so does the toxic wife
As the recession worsens, a lot of rich men are finding their gold-digging wives are taking to their heels
By Tara Winter Wilson
"The Toxic Wife, first identified in these pages almost two years ago, is a particular and terrifying species.
Not to be confused with the stay-at-home mother who selflessly devotes herself to the upbringing of her children, with all the housework and domestic chores that entails, the Toxic Wife is the woman who gives up work as soon as she marries, ostensibly to create a stable home environment for any offspring that might come along, but who then employs large numbers of staff to do all the domestic work she promised to undertake, leaving her with little to do all day except shop, lunch and luxuriate.
Having married her wealthy husband with his considerable salary uppermost in her mind, the Toxic Wife simply does not do "for richer, for poorer". Little Dorrit, she ain't."
Recession: When the money goes, so does the toxic wife
As the recession worsens, a lot of rich men are finding their gold-digging wives are taking to their heels
By Tara Winter Wilson
"The Toxic Wife, first identified in these pages almost two years ago, is a particular and terrifying species.
Not to be confused with the stay-at-home mother who selflessly devotes herself to the upbringing of her children, with all the housework and domestic chores that entails, the Toxic Wife is the woman who gives up work as soon as she marries, ostensibly to create a stable home environment for any offspring that might come along, but who then employs large numbers of staff to do all the domestic work she promised to undertake, leaving her with little to do all day except shop, lunch and luxuriate.
Having married her wealthy husband with his considerable salary uppermost in her mind, the Toxic Wife simply does not do "for richer, for poorer". Little Dorrit, she ain't."
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Profiling Windows C++ Applications with Microsoft Excel
My article on profiling applications was published online by the Dr Dobb's Journal on 14 June 2006:
Profiling Windows C++ Applications with Microsoft Excel
Profiling Windows C++ Applications with Microsoft Excel
Friday, November 21, 2008
Ahmet Ümit'in "Kar Kokusu" (1998)

* Kar Kokusu, Ahmet Ümit, Doğan Kitapçılık, 2006, 11. Baskı, İstanbul, 264 sayfa, ISBN: 975-293-057-3
Creating an Objective C Development Environment
For your information, I am using Ubuntu 8.04 and I intend to develop something for the iPhone in my spare time. Certainly I am at the very begining of a long learning curve!
First, I installed the GNU Objective C compiler. Next, I decided to set up a development environment. After a quick search I have found that GNUstep is what I need: "GNUstep is a cross-platform, object-oriented framework for desktop application development....GNUstep is generally compatible with the OpenStep specification and with recent developments of the MacOS (Cocoa) API...". Please see: http://www.gnustep.org/. I installed GNUstep via the Synaptic tool: I simply searched for "GNUstep" and then installed the relevant packages.
Then, I compiled an example form the following link:
I created a directory named "objc" and created two text files shown below there:
* The next #include line is generally present in all Objective-C
* source files that use GNUstep. The Foundation.h header file
* includes all the other standard header files you need.
* Declare the Test class that implements the class method (classStringValue).
@interface Test
+ (const char *) classStringValue;
* Define the Test class and the class method (classStringValue).
@implementation Test
+ (const char *) classStringValue;
return "This is the string value of the Test class";
* The main() function: pass a message to the Test class
* and print the returned string.
int main(void)
printf("%s\n", [Test classStringValue]);
return 0;
include $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/common.make
LogTest_OBJC_FILES = source.m
include $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/tool.make
In order to setup the GNUstep "environment", one of the following scripts should be run:
Note that the paths are installation specific. As I used bash and don't bother to maintain user settings being the only user, I added the following lines to my bash global settings file:
# Oguz Kupusoglu @ 20 Nov 2008
. /usr/share/GNUstep/Makefiles/GNUstep.sh
Then I launched a bash shell and make the build which was a piece of cake:
..objc$ make
This is gnustep-make 2.0.2. Type 'make print-gnustep-make-help' for help.
Making all for tool LogTest...
Compiling file source.m ...
Linking tool LogTest ...
In order to run the application I swicthed to the "obj" subdir:
..objc$ ls
GNUmakefile obj source.m
..objc$ cd obj
..objc/obj$ ls
LogTest source.d source.o
..objc/obj$ ./LogTest
This is the string value of the Test class
That is all! Now you have a working Objective C development environment.
First, I installed the GNU Objective C compiler. Next, I decided to set up a development environment. After a quick search I have found that GNUstep is what I need: "GNUstep is a cross-platform, object-oriented framework for desktop application development....GNUstep is generally compatible with the OpenStep specification and with recent developments of the MacOS (Cocoa) API...". Please see: http://www.gnustep.org/. I installed GNUstep via the Synaptic tool: I simply searched for "GNUstep" and then installed the relevant packages.
Then, I compiled an example form the following link:
I created a directory named "objc" and created two text files shown below there:
* The next #include line is generally present in all Objective-C
* source files that use GNUstep. The Foundation.h header file
* includes all the other standard header files you need.
* Declare the Test class that implements the class method (classStringValue).
@interface Test
+ (const char *) classStringValue;
* Define the Test class and the class method (classStringValue).
@implementation Test
+ (const char *) classStringValue;
return "This is the string value of the Test class";
* The main() function: pass a message to the Test class
* and print the returned string.
int main(void)
printf("%s\n", [Test classStringValue]);
return 0;
include $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/common.
LogTest_OBJC_FILES = source.m
include $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/tool.make
In order to setup the GNUstep "environment", one of the following scripts should be run:
Note that the paths are installation specific. As I used bash and don't bother to maintain user settings being the only user, I added the following lines to my bash global settings file:
# Oguz Kupusoglu @ 20 Nov 2008
. /usr/share/GNUstep/Makefiles/
Then I launched a bash shell and make the build which was a piece of cake:
..objc$ make
This is gnustep-make 2.0.2. Type 'make print-gnustep-make-help' for help.
Making all for tool LogTest...
Compiling file source.m ...
Linking tool LogTest ...
In order to run the application I swicthed to the "obj" subdir:
..objc$ ls
GNUmakefile obj source.m
..objc$ cd obj
..objc/obj$ ls
LogTest source.d source.o
..objc/obj$ ./LogTest
This is the string value of the Test class
That is all! Now you have a working Objective C development environment.
Karakin Demirciyan'ın Demiryolu Projesi (1911)
Doç. Dr. Mehmet Okur'un "Karakin Demirciyan'ın Demiryolu Projesi" * makalesini yeni okudum. Erzurum mebusu Karakin Demirciyan ve arkadaşları Meclis-i Mebusan'a "Şark-i Anadolu Şimendifer Projesi" sunmuşlar: "Doğu Anadolu vilayetlerine asırlardan beri hükmeden sefaletin başlıca sebebi nakliye vasıtalarından büsbütün yoksun olması olup...Bu olumsuz durumun değişmesinin yegane çaresi ise Trabzon-Sivas-Erzurum-Bitlis-Mamuratül-Aziz ve Diyarbakır vilayetlerini Karadeniz limanlarına bağlayacak bir demiryolunun acilen inşa edilmesidir." Aynı sıralarda Gümüşhane mebusları İbrahim Lütfi ve Hayri beyler Meclis-i Mebusan'a bir takrir sunarak Trabzon-Erzurum arasına demiryolu yapılmasını istemişler. [Bu sırada söz alan] "Erzurum mebusu Ohannes Varteks Efendi, Rusların kısa bir süre içinde Kafkasya'dan Sarıkamış'a kadar şoseler ve demiryolu hattı inşa ettiğini, buna karşılık Osmanlı tarafında bırakın demiryolunu, şose dahi bulunmadığını belirtmiş ve iki devlet arasındaki bir savaşta Rusların binlerce askeri bir haftada cepheye yığacağı, Osmanlı Devleti'nin ise böyle bir imkandan mahrum olacağı üzerinde durmuştur." Maalesef bu öngörü 1. Dünya Savaşı çıkınca gerçekleşdi! O zamanlar Ruslar Kafkas ticaretini ellerinde tutmak için Osmanlılar'ın bölgede demiryolu yapmalarını istemezken Almanlar Bağdat demiryolu için ugraşıyorlardı. Ermeni yurttaşlarımızın Doğu Anadolu'nun kalkınması için kabul görmeyen böyle bir öneride bulunmaları bence ilginç.
* Toplumsal Tarih, Kasım 2008, s 52-57
* Toplumsal Tarih, Kasım 2008, s 52-57
Monday, November 10, 2008
A Script to "Abuse" MS Outlook Voting Buttons
As is well known Microsoft Outlook Voting Buttons are designed to send one vote: the "final" vote is the valid one. However, assume an MS Outlook user needs to send more than one vote. Consider this scenario: new people without MS Exchange accounts are around and you need to know the voting of all the people immediately. Hence, some MS Outlook users have to send more than one vote and all of them should be counted. Finally, a report on the outcome is expected. My solution is a VBScript to abuse the MS Outlook Voting Buttons. [To be posted later]
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